Kyenjojo District and Kiryandongo District in Uganda.

+61 428 844 885 | +256 787 667 133


Australia Bringing Hope general account

Donations can be written out to ‘Australia Bringing Hope Inc’ or directly deposited into the account (BSB) 065 501 (Account Number) 1009 5051.

Australia Bringing Hope Relief Fund

Donations towards ABH projects and short-term relief are tax deductible.

Donations can be written out to the ‘Australia Bringing Hope Relief Fund’ or deposited in the account (BSB) 065 501 (Account Number) 1011 2827.

Donations via Give Now

You can also donate online using the Give Now link.

Support from Australia is vital for us to continue our work in Uganda.

The Australia Bringing Hope (ABH) board in Australia spend a lot of time working to raise the profile of ABH and the needs of the Ugandan people. We have spoken in numerous forums, including churches, schools, service clubs, and community events. We welcome invitations to speak with individual people and groups and encourage those interested to contact us to discuss their individual needs.

Our newsletters are another way that we keep others aware of the work that we are doing in Uganda, the ongoing needs and areas requiring support. Please see our News page to download our latest newsletter or email us if you would like to be added to our distribution list.

Supporters of ABH are able to donate towards our projects in Uganda, and the projects that we support through our Ugandan partner, Bringing Hope to the Family. Please see our Projects page for more details.

Supporters are also able to donate to specific causes, for example:

Wages for a worker$20 per week
Child sponsorship$20 per month
Goat for a family$100
Bee hive for a family$100
Bee Keeper training
for a village
A large cooking stove
for the orphanage
Build a house for a family$2500
All amounts are in Australian dollars.
Di Fregusson, Phil and Dr Gary
Beekeeping in Uganda to raise funds to support communities


If you would like to donate to Australia Bringing Hope (ABH) you can do so online by using the Give Now link. You can also donate via direct debit or by cheque. Donations go directly to our work in Uganda, and as the donor, you are able to specify the purpose of your donation.

The Australia Bringing Hope Relief Fund is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Deductible Gift Recipient.

This allows donations that go towards ABH’s sustainable long-term documented projects or donations towards short-term relief in times of declared disaster to be tax deductible.

Support towards welfare activities eg donations to support orphans, AIDS patients, etc are non-eligible for tax-deductible status. This work is administered separately to our projects that do attract tax deductibility status.

You are able to support our CEO to assist him in meeting his financial needs to allow him to continue his work in Uganda. Please note that donations directly to support our CEO are not tax deductible.

We are an approved ACNC organization, please see our link. ACNC – Australia Bringing Hope

Account Details

You can donate online using the Give Now link above. If you would prefer to donate via direct debit or by cheque the information below will assist you.

Australia Bringing Hope Relief Fund

Donations towards ABH projects and short-term relief are tax deductible.

Donations can be written out to the ‘Australia Bringing Hope Relief Fund’ or deposited in the account (BSB) 065 501 (Account Number) 1011 2827.

Australia Bringing Hope general account

Donations towards welfare activities, or to support the financial needs of our CEO based in Uganda.

Donations can be written out to ‘Australia Bringing Hope Inc’ or directly deposited into the account (BSB) 065 501 (Account Number) 1009 5051.

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